Say Hello To My Little Friend


I wasn't in the market for a Speed Graphic. I thought they were cool and all, but there are other analog cameras higher on my list. But I came across this one at an estate auction. Out of the thirty or so cameras on the table, this one called to me. ​

I wanted. I bid. I won. I practically stole it. Now I have it.​

As I told my wife about my "win," I'm thrilled to have it, now I have to learn how to use the damn thing. It's going to take me a bit to get up to speed -- including exactly what model it is and how to load the 120 back.​

The manual states, "A fine camera is primarily an instrument rather than a machine."​ I like this. The folks at BMW with their Ultimate Driving Machine campaign could learn something from this approach.

One operates a machine. I plan on playing an instrument.​