Today is Day II of the slowly decomposing series I'm calling Beware the Gathering Gloom. I was a bit conflicted about whether to include Jesus in this series. Not sure he was a Gloomy Gus. But the tone and timbre of this photo fits, so it's in.
I returned to this cemetery
looking for a particular headstone that I saw online. I found it right
away, but the light was not what I wanted. As
I get to know this place (I just found out I have relatives buried there), I have become re-aware of one of my own
approaches to photography: slow down. Instead of driving around, hoping
something caught m eye, I started walking around aimlessly. And better things presented themselves. This shot is a case in point. From pretty far away, this headstone seemed to beckon me. And not just this headstone, but this one relatively small part of it.
This shot was a bit of an experiment. I'm not too proud to say that money is a bit tight right now, especially as I've been printing and framing work for some upcoming shows. It ain't cheap. I have neither he funds nor the time to send off some film, so I shot this on my Nikon DSLR with a Holga lens. I bought this lens January at the brick and mortar Freestyle Photography store in Los Angeles but have not taken more than a couple of test shots. It's a bit tricky to use. But I like this result. I like the hint of sunlight on the upper left side. It's what makes this unusual. I also like the how it is Shroud of Turin-ish.