This is a photo of a flag. The flag is political. The photo is not. It’s a document of a short drive I made down a gravel road to make an image of this flag. It was an intentional drive, no different than if I were photographing an interesting leaf. I am reminded of Ernst Haas: 'You do not take pictures, you are taken by pictures.” I was taken by the opportunity this photograph offered, first by the flag, then the cloistered light of the tall trees, then the manufactured houses and finally by the second flag. It helped that there was no one around. Their gazes might has dissuaded me from driving by, then turning around, then stopping, then grabbing my camera out of the trunk, then moving around, camera to head, framing the scene. I moved in. I moved in closer. I focused. I released the shutter. Nothing political in that. I share this image. I have no expectations; nothing will change. There’s something political in that.