“…In the field of opportunity / It's plowin' time again…” — Neil Young.
This field has grown, matured and been harvested since I made this image with a vintage Leica IIIc camera fitted with a 3.5 Elmar 50mm lens. During my bike rides just north of Snob Hill, it takes only a few minutes of cycling to fee like I’m "in the country.” This scene attracted me for a couple of weeks before I stopped to render it onto some Ilford HP5+. I’m sure there are some agrarians in my past, but from my great grandparents to me, there have been gardeners — often avid gardeners — but no farmers. Still, the sight of plowed and planted fields stirs something within me. I become attuned to the rhythm of growing and harvesting. Now that I’m a beekeeper, I feel this rhythm even more acutely. I like the lines and shapes in this scene and the way it evokes the flat bottom lands that surround the trail I ride on (a converted railroad line) and parallel the Missouri River, just over the horizon.